Tuesday, May 17, 2011


this word that I could say to you when I get angry.

tadi aku sebut perkataan kat atas tu lebih seratus kali. that's mean I'm so mad for something that you've done. unbelievable ! ada jugak Boyfriend yg tak percaya cakap Girlfriend sendiri. swear , I am talk a truth. and i never lied to you. but you, you treat me like I'm so stupid doesn't deserve to be trusted.

sincerely , who am i to you? your friend ?

I am disappointed with you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

biar lah dia nak benci aku ke apa , asal kan kau bahagia , aite? :)

sorry, kita putus kawan okay? coz aku pun tak sangka yang aku pernah ada kawan mcm kau -.-

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Heyy peeps , you know what?

I AM A LOSER. say with me together :'(

why? because , I'm thinking of you all the times.
I'm crying for you but you never care.
I'm hurting myself when I'm sad.
I messing my room when I'm crying.
I punch your photo while crying.
I scream loudly and say I HATE YOU all the times.

this is what I'm doing this night. loser much?

*P/S : I'm still crying :'(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


okay , i will never ever leave in a past anymore .
Life starts now .
Siapasiapa yang berkenaan sila back off
i need a cleanest way to start everything ,back to begin .
Simple and EASY :)

: jangan nak game orang sangat :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

dudeeeeeeeeeee , i love all of you so so so so so so much babe! serious, best gila gila jadi kawan korang.

please jangan fikir aku sombong if aku tak layan korang , sebab aku ada masa nak duduk sorang sorang.

please jangan ingat aku tak sayang korang if aku pergi lepak dgn group lain.

please jangan ingat aku benci korang if aku marah marah korang.

hihi , sebab marah tanda nya kan sayang? tak gitu? :p haha




alololo esok computer dah kena bawak lari dengan abang, tak dapat nak online Facebook lama lama lama lama mcm sekarang. ish ish! dapat mmg dapat, tapi kena tunggu kalau kalau abang sorang lagi tanak guna lappy, so boleh lah guna kejap. grrrrrr :/
menyusah kan orang je. takpe takpe cool. tak nampak hebat pun kalau hari hari online facebook haha. tapi . . . . . . . . . .. . Hmmmmm dia mcm mana? haha, kita borak borak kat phone jelah eh? no more IM. kan kan? Hihihihi :3
